Silhouette portraits are symbolic of family, celebration and an era of elegance, and simpler times

At first you may find this not much different than most blogs. But if you read on, you will join me on my journey which includes my family, places I visit, and people I meet. I am very grateful to share my art and consider it an honor to give something to people who have never seen how a silhouette is created or even had their silhouette done before. I love hearing the stories of those who may have posed for a silhouette years ago, at their elementary school, fair, or an amusement park. Some have shared, they still have their silhouette framed and hanging on their wall at home or their mom's wall. Others say it's in a scrapbook or put away in a box. What amazes me, is these stories always come from a good place and people cherish them and hold on to them for many years.
Silhouette art is unique and fun.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

April Showers, Mother's Day, Babies, Weiner Dogs, Walks Grads and More

Okay, So It's been a month and  life has been a little hectic. But I still accomplished much. Not as much as I wanted. But yes I did accomplish what I set out to do. Sylhouette's by Sylvia is doing well. March I did March of Babes Walk a March of Dimes sponsored Event at Fashion Island in Newport Beach.I was there for about 3 hours.  And per the organizer of the Family Fun Zone. Sylhouettes by Sylvia was the Hit of the walk. I had fun doing the event. Following that event I immediately drove to a 5o year birthday party. A private event at a yacht club in Long Beach. I cut silhouettes there for about  2 hours. It was a beautiful day overlooking the water.

For Mother's Day I cut Silhouettes for a Kindergarten class and they presented the silhouettes to their moms at their annual Mother's Day Breakfast. The mothers were so happy to get something very different. A keepsake and I created it.

Then it was dogs at the Old World Village  Crafters village. Weinerdog races every third Sunday of the month.  Then it was off to a Graduation party.

Now I have a Carnival this Friday, and AIDSWALK O C at the Great park on Saturday. Maybe Sunday will be Chivo's Birthday. That will be fun. 

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